


* * *

平成26年 7月4日
関係機関の長 殿
福 田 眞 人(公印省略)



1. 職 名 准教授又は講師

2. 採用人員 1 名

3. 教育内容 (1)本研究科日本言語文化専攻応用言語学講座の授業科目及び研究指導

4. 研究分野 次の(1)(a),(b),(c), (2)の分野のうちいずれか(または複数)とする。
(1)(a)スペイン語と日本語を対象とした対照言語学的研究(例:スペイン語と日本語のモダリ ティの対照), (b)スペイン語と日本語を対象とした心理言語学的研究(例:スペイン語母語話者による日本語習得),(c)スペイン語と日本語を対象とした社会言語学的研究(例:スペイン語と日本語のポライトネスストラテジーの比較)

5. 所 属 名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科日本言語文化専攻

6. 採用時期 平成27年4月1日

7. 応募資格 (1)原則として応募時に博士号を取得していること。
(4)非日本語母語話者の場合、大学院における講義・学生指導および学内業務を遂行できる のに十分な日本語能力が必要である。

8. 提出書類 (1)履歴書1通(様式自由、写真貼付、電話番号・メールアドレス記載)
(2)研究業績一覧表1通(A4 判で、公刊された著書・論文など全業績について題目、発表年月、掲載誌名、査読の有無、巻号数及びページ数を記載のこと。学会発表・招待講演等については題目、発表年月日、学会名、開催地等を記載のこと。博士学位論文のタイトル・授与機関・授与年月日・主査の氏名等は別項目にして記載のこと。)
(4)主要研究業績3点(公刊されている論文または著書)抜刷り、コピー可、A4 判で800 字程度の日本語の要旨をそれぞれに添えること。
(6)大学院教育(応用言語学講座)への抱負(日本語で2000 字程度)
(7)全学教育(スペイン語)への抱負(日本語で2000 字程度)
応募書類によって取得した個人情報は、本教員選考の目的以外で利用したり、外部に提供したりすることはありません。 また、提出書類は原則としてお返ししませんが、返却を希望する方は、送料分の切手を貼り宛先を記した封筒を同封してください。

9. 応募締切 平成26年9月10日(水)(必着)

10. 選考方法 第1 次選考 書類・業績審査 , 第2 次選考 面接(平成26年9月または10月を予定。交通費は自己負担。)

11. 提 出 先 〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町B4-5(700)

12. 照 会 先 応用言語学講座教員選考委員会 堀江薫 E-Mail: horie@lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp
* 名古屋大学大学院国際言語文化研究科では、男女共同参画を推進しています。


Full-time, Tenured Position in Japanese Applied Linguistics & Spanish at Associate Professor or Assistant Professor Level, Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University, Japan

1. Position: Afull-time, tenured positionat Assistant Professor or Associate Professorlevel

2. Duties: (I) Teaching graduate courses offered by the Section of Applied Linguistics, Department of Japanese Language and Culture, and advising masters and doctoral graduate students affiliated with the Applied Linguistics Section; (II) teaching and co-supervising general Spanish language courses.

3. Area(s) of specialization. One or moreof the followingfour research areas: (a) contrastive linguistics of Spanish and Japanese (e.g. contrastive linguistics of Spanish and Japanese modal systems), (b) psycholinguistics of Spanish and Japanese (e.g. Spanish speakers’ L2 acquisition of Japanese), (c) sociolinguistics of Spanish and Japanese (e.g. a comparison of politeness strategies used by Spanish and Japanese speakers), (d) applied linguistics of Japanese.

4. Affiliation: Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, Nagoya University

5. Starting date: April 1, 2015.

6. Qualifications:
(I) In principle applicants are expected to have a Ph.D. in hand at the time of application.
(II) It is desirable that applicants have a minimum of one year experience in teaching Spanish at a university or junior college.
(III) Experience of teaching a graduate-level course would be considered an asset.
(IV) Applicants must have near-native competency in the Japanese language sufficient to teach graduate courses, supervise graduate students, and perform all administrative duties.

7. Application documents and where to send them:
(1) A Curriculum Vitae including your contact phone number and e-mail address
(2) A list of research publications with the following information (a) the title, date and place of publication, journal/book/proceedings title, volumes/numbers/pages, whether the paper is refereed or non-refereed; (b) in the case of conference presentations, please provide information on the title, date/place of presentation, name of the conference (additionally mention if the presentation was a plenary, keynote, or invited talk).
(3) A list of past teaching experience (of both Spanish and specialized subject) with information on the course title(s), duration, institution, and a short description of the course
(4) Three major publication samples (offprints or photocopies acceptable), each accompanied by approx. 800-character Japanese summary
(5) (if applicable) An official transcript certifying doctoral degree conferral or a photocopy of a doctoral degree diploma
(6) (if available) In the case of non-native Spanish speakers, a certificate of Spanish language proficiency
(7) A written statement of intent to teach graduate courses and advise students in the Applied Linguistics Section (approx. 2000 Japanese characters)
(8) A written statement of intent to teach general Spanish language courses to undergraduate students (approx. 2000 Japanese characters)
(9) (if available) A list of research grants received (e.g. the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kagaku Kenkyuuhi)) with information on the name of the grant, the research project title, duration, amount received, and whether the applicant was the principal investigator or not
(10) Names of two referees in tenured positions (affiliation, rank, contact phone number, contact e-mail address)
*Application documents submitted shall be used for the purpose of screening only and shall not be returned unless otherwise requested (in the case of the latter please provide a self-addressed envelope with Japanese postal stamps).

Please send documents (1)-(10) with a cover letter to the following address by registered mail, with the wording “Ouyoo Gengogaku Kooza” written in red on the front cover of the envelope: Kokusai Gengo Bunka Kenkyuuka Tantoo, Bunkei soomuka Nagoya University
B4-5(700), Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi
464-8601, Japan