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成蹊大学アジア太平洋センター共同研究会「グローバル・ジャスティスの模索のローカリティ]主催で、以下の要領でチリ国コンセプシオン大学政治学研究科研究科長ジャンヌ・シモン博士による講演と、あわせて日本初公開となるスペイン出身のルイス・シントラ監督によるドキュメンタリー映画「Te Saludan Los Cabitos(ようこそロス・カビトスへ)」(スペイン語・ケチュア語、英語字幕 約1時間、無料)の上映をおこないます。
場所:成蹊大学6号館6階602B会議室(最寄り駅 JRもしくは京王井の頭線吉祥寺駅)
報告者:Jeanne W. Simon, Ph.D., (Universidad de Concepción, Concepcion, Chile)
タイトル:The conflict between the Mapuche people and the Chilean State:
International Indigenous Rights Regime and Development Politics(英語,通訳なし)
Te Saludan Los Cabitos(Welcome to Los Cabitos) Luis Cintora監督
予告編 https://vimeo.com/101110306
ジャンヌ・シモン博士 報告要旨:
Since the arrival of the first Europeans to the Americas, indigenous peoples have sought to maintain their ways of life and culture despite the many attempts to transform or annihilate them. In Chile, many Mapuche after 150 years of forced integration into the Chilean national state, increasingly resist the imposition of capitalist production in their ancestral territories and even well-meaning government “development” programs that the Mapuche perceive as a cultural imposition.
The first part of the paper characterizes the Chilean state and its policies towards the Mapuche people as multicultural neoliberalism, contrasting the multicultural policies with the neoliberal economic strategies to highlight the principal points of conflict. In the second part of the paper, we analyze situate the the enduring conflict between the Mapuche people and the Chilean State within the actual global context of the emerging international regime of indigenous rights, and in particular the discussion of development and sustainable development goals promoted by the United Nations, arguing that the tensions present in Chile and reflected as well in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
当日参加も可能ですが、会場の関係上、事前に細谷宛 hhiromi@fh.seikei.ac.jp にご連絡いただけましたら幸いです。
- 問い合わせ先
Dr. Hiromi Hosoya
Seikei University
Kichijyoujikitamachi3-3-1, Musashinoshi, Tokyo, 180-8633, Japan
E-mail: hhiromi@fh.seikei.ac.jp