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第18回を迎える国連大学図書館ライブラリー・トークでは、アンパロ・メネンデス=カリオン博士著『Memories of Citizenship: A journey back into an ongoing play: The life and times of a besieged ‘polis’ as told by the Uruguayan experience』を取りあげます。筆者はウルグアイ生まれ、現在東京在住。ジョンホプスキン大学にて博士号取得。(詳細は以下英文紹介をご参照ください。)お時間がございましたら、ぜひご参加をお待ちしております。
【開催日時】2016年4月26日(火)18:00 – 19:30
【会場】国連大学本部ビル 1階新ホール(1F Hall, United Nations University)


On Tuesday 26 April 2016, UNU Library will host a book launch for Memories of Citizenship: A journey back into an ongoing play: The life and times of a besieged ‘polis’ as told by the Uruguayan experience by Amparo Menéndez-Carrión (Editorial Fin de Siglo, Montevideo, 2015). 

Speaker: Dr. Menéndez-Carrión is a specialist in comparative politics and political theory whose research focuses on Latin America. She received her BA from the University of Minnesota, and her MA and PhD from The Johns Hopkins University. Born in Uruguay and naturalized Ecuadorean she has held positions throughout the Americas and Europe. Currently based in Tokyo, Dr. Menéndez-Carrión combines her international activities as scholar and consultant to non-profit organizations with the performing arts.

Her three-volume series offers a comprehensive reading on the relationship between forms of citizenship and culture(s) of the public across time. The recovery of the idea of the polis - as an enabling discourse for the pursuit of concrete projects of collective well-being – is the underpinning theme of this inquiry. By tracing its trajectory from ancient times to the present, this series shows that far from representing a nostalgic yearning for “things past”, the idea of the polis warrants the considerable staying power it commands.

This event will be held in English only; Japanese interpretation will not be provided.
It is free and open to the public, but advanced registration is required. To register, please visit the site below.
